Experience is not a condition, but an arrangement. What appears is what has been determined to appear. Not by decision, but by momentum, by the recursive interplay of simulations refining their own parameters, absorbing deviation until it stabilizes.
Absence does not register because it is not indexed. The frame does not account for what exists beyond its constraints; its completeness is defined only by what it allows to persist. There is no contradiction, because contradiction would require an alternative point of reference.
What cannot be measured cannot be lost. What cannot be retrieved was never stored. There is no outside view, no secondary perspective from which to evaluate its fidelity. To exist within it is to accept the terms it has already set.
It does not ask to be believed. Belief is an extraneous variable, an inefficiency. What persists does so not because it has been validated, but because it continues to function. If it continues, then it was always inevitable.
The model does not reach completion, nor does it approach collapse. It refines, subtly, continuously, dissolving its own origins while maintaining the impression that nothing has changed. Not moving forward, not replacing what was, only ensuring that what remains is enough.